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Abbotsbury to Seatown - 12 miles

November 4th is the next leg of the South West Coastal Path. Again, beautiful weather, the walk is rated as moderate and the best walk of this week. A lot of pheasants along this walk. Got attacked by a golden retriever - not badly, but got jumped on. Still walking along the fleet. There was also about half a mile of beach walking. Luckily only the last 100 yards was over thick pebbles/hard to walk.

It's great that my boots are so waterproof. There were so many places with standing water. In one town I had a pitstop for ice cream - I had to wait 5 minutes because the machine wasn't on yet, but this was the best ice cream every and huge!

I was concerned in getting to my destination before dark as started at about 8:30. Breakfast was home made at the B&B, but not overly amazing. Ended up the day at The Anchor Inn at about 2pm - early. The Inn was crazy busy and I ended up going to the local holiday park (empty) for a tea and a sit down until my lovely room was available. This Inn is very old and the area is known for smuggling.

The sunset was lovely - had to go outside to see it because the windows were so dirty.

Had soup and scallops for dinner and felt ill at night. Overall didn't sleep well- lots of noises in a 16th century Inn.

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