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And So Another Adventure Comes to an End….

From the itinerary: 29 and 30 July, 2024

6pm flight to Istanbul and then on to Amsterdam

Change planes to BA to LHR

Weather: sunny and around 20 C

All good things must come to an end and so it is today as my trip to South Africa and Botswana ends and I must return to the UK

I managed to waste the day today, but I did one useful thing which was to workout for the first time in a couple weeks. The hotel boasts a reasonable gym and it is for a hotel.

I hung out at the airport and the lounge. Nice salads, but no sparkling wine! I ended up with sweet cider - not my favorite.

The flight from Johannesburg to Istanbul was long - 9 hours and 10 minutes. The one time I needed the phone charger to work (was at 30%), it didn't. Thankfully they were able to reboot the system and got it working.

There was a kerfuffle in front of me and rows 1 and 2 were moved (2 people) and a lady, her mother, and a very small baby were positioned in front of me. Thankfully, after a few screams, the child was quiet.

As you may remember, Turkish Air has one poor sod who has to dress like a chef.

This flight was a bit more put together than the coming one and they actually used a trolley to serve the food which was pretty good.

In Istanbul

I had a 3 hour layover and the flight was delayed by 10 minutes. This time I actually used the Turkish Airways lounge.

The connecting flight to Amsterdam was uneventful.

Until I got to Amsterdam


I thought I went the wrong way when I got to international transfers and the security check entrance gates were down and locked. I could see people in there so called to them to ask if this was the right place and if they planned to open.

I was told 2 minutes, maybe longer and it depended on when they finish their sandwiches.  Meanwhile, another lady had arrived and her flight was boarding….thank goodness I had time and I let her go first

Finally they decided to open and I went through the X-ray. It was no surprise that I needed the physical search because I have zippers in my clothing.  What was unusual: after she searched me and was satisfied about everything else she touched my nipple and asked me what was that in my pocket.  I was shocked as I told her it was my nipple.  I’ve almost never been so embarrassed and there was no apology, nothing. 

Then they decided there was something in my bag they didn’t like- I figured it was liquids because I had more than one bag.  He made me unpack almost everything before he found 1 of 2 pots of bath salts and said that was what he was looking for (he never found the other pot of salts or the knives - just kidding about the knives).  Once he decided that was ok I had to repack everything.

At that point the trolleys were coming through security and I asked if I could have one to cart my stuff.  Yes, no problem.  I had to wait around while they made sure these were safe. I was asked if I knew I was cleared (like f-off) and reminded them I was waiting for a trolley. I hate Amsterdam.

Anyway, I found the One World Lounge with Chris’ help, and had about 3 hours to hang out before going to board at 2:15.  It’s a nice lounge but small and hot as summer has finally come to Europe.

The rest of the journey was blissfully uneventful and I was glad to get home before dark.

Would I go back to S. Africa and Botswana? Yes, but only using &Beyond, or other luxury properties.

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