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Coming down from Machu Picchu, August, 2018

We made it all the way to the Sun Gate on August 24, 2018 and walked down to the actual site of Machu Picchu, then boarding the bus to Aguas Calientes - where we were going to spend the night. The next day we were set to return to Machu Picchu to walk through the actual ruins, instead of by them. The road down was serpentine and I had the thought - wouldn't it be awful if we crashed, like something out the the movie The Dragonfly. Sure enough, at the very end, the driver fell asleep and we hit a post and the bus rolled over. Luckily we were going very slowly at that point and we only received bruises and abrasions. Any faster and we would have rolled down into a very rocky place and into the river. Needless to say we did not return the next day, so we never have actually walked through Machu Picchu. I hope we can do that some day....

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