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Continuing our Descent

October 1, 2019, from the itinerary: Retrace our steps to Kyanjuma Descending through Pheriche, we cross a small bridge and have a short climb before descending to join the main Imja Khola Valley. We follow the valley down to Pangboche through an alpine meadow landscape. We drop down to the rushing river then walk through the peaceful rhododendron forests to the village of Devoche from where we climb back up to Thyangboche on the ridge for lunch. We descend off the ridge to Phunki Tenga and walk back to Kyanjuma, where we spend the night. Tea-house (sleeping altitude 3,600m), total distance for the day is 8 miles and altitude decrease 650.

The main Imja Khola Valley is very beautiful with a river down the middle. Here are a number of pictures showing the view

We eventually crossed the river

And a Himalayan Tahr posed for us along the way

There were several cairns, prayer shrines and memorials along the way

We visited a tea house where there was an interesting museum where we saw yeti tracks, climbing artifacts and other interesting memorabilia

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