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Crisis - sprained ankle

Updated: Aug 15, 2021

July 11, 2021 - First full day in Iceland (of 27) and I slip on some gravel and badly sprained my ankle. Do I go on the Laugavegur Trek? or no? Doctor says no. Do I bag it all and just go home and get the insurance reimbursement? I seem to be running a fever too. Well, I guess I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but no snorkelling in the morning.... Am exhausted after being in the emergency room most of the night until 4am. At least I get a ride to the ER from Leo from the tour company. Everything is on hold for the night and the stupid volcano wasn't even erupting, but I could hear it growl, which was cool.

Before the volcano hike, I had a nice walking tour of the city including visiting a museum that gave me more information than I ever wanted about phalluses.

The history museum was very interesting. Seems Iceland didn't play much of a role during WWI. In WW2 the Brits occupied Iceland and arrested the German Ambassador, sending him/his family back to Germany. There were also 20,000 Americans stationed on the island. The Icelanders were vassells of both Norway and Denmark through their history, before gaining independence.

There was also a very interesting cemetery along the way to the museum. There was one grave headstone that showed about 10 generations buried.

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