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Day 13 - The Last Hiking Day and The Queen Dies

I can't believe that six months of waiting and three months of training and finally the trip is almost over. It went by so quickly.

From our itinerary:

Best views of Mont Blanc today; long ascent to the Brevent, descend to Chamonix. We cross to the north side of the Chamonix Valley and climb steeply through pine forest and then on open mountainsides to reach the high point of the day at Brevent (2525m – 8290ft). This is a long walking day but will probably afford the best views of the French side of Mont Blanc and its neighbouring peaks that we shall have on the whole trek. We descend to Plan Praz (1970m - 6460ft) and take the cable car to Chamonix (1061m) for a well-deserved beer. 7.5 hours walking time including breaks and lunch etc. 1500m – 4921ft up, 520m – 1690ft down. Some were quite concerned that the elevation gain was more than yesterday and thats what the profile says. I wasn't concerned because it was over more mileage, so, although hard, it didn't seem like it should be worse. Our mileage was about 9 miles and my elevation gain shows 5000 feet!

Again we had heavy thunderstorms at night - so loud it woke me up. Was concerned that the rain had finally caught up with us, but we skated by with drizzle, fog and cool weather until we got above the clouds.

We went along the roads and I used the one public restroom in town - a disaster right there - but needs must. We crossed the raging river and walked to the trail head.

There was quite a lot of uphill today and the group was spread out. We took a small rest at a monument which we saw yesterday. When I saw it yesterday it appeared really high up the hill, so already we were gaining some altitude.

The next short rest stop was after the wildlife refuge where we saw, and smelled, some wild pigs. The sun filtered through the clouds and fog to make for some interesting perspectives.

We had a snack break at a picnic spot and the sun showed her lovely face for a short while.

As we continued up, we got to areas with scrambling and you had to be observant because the ground was wet and the rocks slippery. It was all well within my capability and I was very glad I had my leather boots.

We continued our ascent and the trail had a series of switchbacks over rocks and roots. We were so spread out that at times I wasn't sure if I was still on the trail. My glasses steamed up and I couldn't see too well which didn't help things. We continued up and up.

At one point we saw the local rangers(?) repairing the trail and still we went up. Back and forth through the fog, never seeing the top of the col, but feeling it as the wind got stronger. Drudge, drudge, drudge and then, boing, we were on the ridge, in the sun and at the cafe where we had lunch. I was quite wet and became quite cold. Stupidly I didn't take my wet clothes off before putting on my fleece. Finally, sitting in the shed I didn't get warm, but got less cold and had my lunch before we started on the last push to the end of the day.

This next bit didn't seem very steep, certainly not in comparison with what we just did, and the sun came out. We could see our goal, the cable car station, visible in the distance

There were still wisps of clouds which made for great views.

Several times we could see the Augille du midi needle which was our mission for tomorrow. We hiked around a lake which was much smaller after such a dry summer.

We heard more marmots, some saw them, but I didn't. Finally a last small push and we were at the top, at the cable car station and the end of the hike which Chamonix visible in the valley.

Here is our "finish" picture where we officially finished the TMB up at the cable car stop with Chamonix in the background

Some were planning to walk down to Chamonix. Those who did had to turn around when they found out the trail was closed, so all ended up taking the cable car down to Chamonix and walking to the Richemond Hotel. Jo did her happy dance that the hiking was over.

We were supposed to pay for the cable car at the first stop, but didn't see the place, so we got the ride for free. Our room in the hotel was larger than last time.

Lisa and I went for a walk to see the town. We weren't able to do it at the beginning due to the race. We stopped for some onion soup and a beer/wine to watch the people.

It was so relaxing and we still couldn't believe the trip was just about over. Shaun finally learned how to use WhatsApp and we finally had a choice for dinner which we had to order via the App.

Dinner was near the hotel and we celebrated Peter's birthday with a flaming candle.

Dinner for me was viande de grissons (air dried beef), steak and frites and ice cream. It is during dinner that we heard that the Queen had died. Earlier in the trip Gorbachev died. It was the passing of an era.

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