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Day 3 - Over the Col de Balme and into Switzerland!

Updated: Sep 18, 2022

August 29 and it's time to cross over into our second country, Switzerland where we spend the night in a hostel at the Col de la Forclaz.

Here is from the Exodus itinerary:

We travel back to Montroc at the top of the Chamonix valley where we begin our ascent to the Aiguillette de Posettes (2201m – 7200ft), descend a little and then climb towards the Col de Balme (2191m – 7190ft) from where we follow one of the paths across the border from France to Switzerland. Excellent views all morning of Aiguille d'Argentière and Aiguille du Tour and its glacier. After lunch we walk through to the small Swiss hamlet of Trient (1296m – 4250ft). Good views of the Trient Glacier. A sting in the tail today as we finish with a steep climb from Trient to our hotel at the Col de la Forclaz (1527m – 5010ft).8.5 hours walking time including breaks and lunch etc. 1190m/3900ft up, 1060m/3466ft down. I showed about 8 miles of hiking with an increase of elevation of about 2890 feet. A bit harder than yesterday in terms of elevation gain, but a much easier trek for me and I've decided to stay with this and see it out.

Breakfast was as yesterday, but we were full of anticipation for our first day actually moving to different accommodations and for the "sting at the end of the day". Most of us had gastro issues from the prior meal(s) and were concerned if these would continue today. (The other Anne) was quite ill on the morning trail, but the others (including me) seem to be ok.

We started out on the bus for the ride back to where we started and had a quick stop at the toilet before heading out. The weather is absolutely beautiful again - suntan lotion was mandatory and how nice to need it.

The hiking today was a mix of open countryside and through forest trails with lots of roots up to a wonderful cafe as we work our way out of the valley where we see some marmots playing in the pasture.

This cafe had a wonderful apple pie which Lisa bought and I tasted. Somewhere there is a picture of this pie - if I find it I will edit this post:)

After the snack we continued along the saddle, passing different crosses and continued over a hump into another valley where we could see the next place for a stop and the next col where we reached the border with Switzerland and lunch. Along the way and at the top of a ridge line, we saw a shepherd with his flock (you can see it in this picture if you zoom in). You can tell when getting close to the top because it gets windy and the temperature decreases. The route is very "civilized" in that at the top of these high climbs there is always a place to get drink and a sweet.

There was a hiking group which used a mule to transport hiker luggage. We ran into him several times during the next few days.

The downhill was quite nice, beautiful views and, at the end, we see a herd of cows with the traditional Swiss bells around their necks.

There is a camping spot at the bottom before we start the sting which includes a lot of stairs up to Trient and our hostel.

At the very end of the hike we cross a sort of air bridge before entering the area

around the hotel.

Lisa and I had a very small room

and there were common washing

facilities and a very squeaky door.

We meet for a drink before dinner and Lisa brings her "muscle spatula" which is an alternative, and light, option to rolling.

The door to our room and the door to the facilities are very squeaky. At one point I tell Lisa to just open it really fast when she has to get up in the night and I'll do the same. We also hear some very rhythmic thumping which I think is an amorous couple, but turns out attempts to get the mule into it's quarters.

Dinner was quite good vegetable soup, chicken, ratatouille and ice cream. How nice not to have something that was creamy.

Below are several pictures from the day

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