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Day 4 - From Hostel to Splendide and Following the Bovines

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

On August 30, 2022 we followed the Bovine Route to Champex. Per the Exodus itinerary:

We leave the Col de la Forclaz, where we can look directly down into the Rhône valley and the Swiss town of Martigny and follow an historic path used to take the cows to high pasture, the 'Bovine route' (2049m – 6720ft). Our trail takes us through meadows and high alpine pastures before we descend to the charming town of Champex (1486m – 4880ft) set beside a picturesque alpine lake. 7.5 hours walking, 680m – 2230ft up, 720m – 2360ft down. I show we walked about 10 miles with an elevation gain of 2475.

This route took us from one of the worst hotels of the route to the best - the Hotel Splendide

We were up with the sun and I get a good shot of it. This morning's breakfast has very interesting eggs. Before leaving we get another group shot, this time with the Swiss flag.

The path took us past the Forclaz sign up into a wooded area and we could see the paths used for taking the herds to/from the mountains as the seasons change.

We had a beautiful view as we got to the ridge line and could see a cafe nestled below where they make wonderful fruit pies. There was a very cute calf that wants to lick my camera as I take a picture and we meet up with the mule from the other hiking group once again.

After our nice break we head down a very long and very steep part of the trek where we met the first "traffic" of the trip. We ran into a lot of people working their way up the steep track - they did the TMB route counter-clockwise. I was so glad we did the route clockwise and could avoid this stretch of uphill.

We crossed a river - thankfully it is very low - and found a wonderful place for lunch. I took my shoes off and it was very hard not to take a nap.

After lunch we continued down the rocky trail until we hit a paved road and walked what seems like several miles up a gradual hill and into Champex. Just before coming into town a helicopter landed across the road from us and we watched it load supplies.

The road into town took us by the lake and to the beautiful Hotel Splendide on a hill. Our room is quite large and we have a lovely balcony and view of the valley.

My before dinner cocktail was a very rich hot cocoa and saw a rainbow

For dinner I "took one for the team" and sat between Louise and Shaun. Worst dinner conversation ever, even with a glass of wine. Dinner was pate, salmon, and meringue glace - my favorite.

I get up at night, as usual, and happen to look outside. The night is clear and the stars are beautiful.

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