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Florence's Duomo Complex: 877 Steps

July 3: Today is earmarked for a trip to Florence - blissfully by myself. Weather was hot and sunny - over 90 degrees - and humid. I got no sleep last night because I realized I was not going to be able to call the Modena restaurant with Elisabeth to increase the reservation and pre-order our food at 9am and still get to downtown Florence in time for my entry to the Duomo. Also, I wasn't convinced that my ride would be awake in time (Nadine offered to drive me-only later I found out she overslept by an hour).

Kimberlee came to my rescue and gave me, Julie and Renee a ride to the center of town. Elisabeth was able to do the call on her own for me. I was very grateful. Julie/Renee had a time an hour earlier than I and they ran to the center. I walked towards the center of town and saw this sign along the way at an entrance to a garage.

I had an iced coffee and waited for my time to enter the dome.

Here are a bunch of pictures of the Duomo complex near the center of historic Florence.

As I tried to enter, I was told my small backback was too big and needed to be stored, even though the lady behind me had a purse twice the size. Anyway, I did that and walked up.

The stairway got smaller and narrower and twistier, but there were two times for a small rest.

The best one was at the base of the dome - it was so beautiful to be so close to the frescos.

I was out of breath by the time I got to the top - rather disappointing given all my training, but I was happy I didn't feel it more. Panoramas taken on all sides.

Here's a picture of the key they use to open up the observation area

Going down is always more challenging. At least there was a "one-way" route in process.

Immediately after I walked up to the top of the tower.

This was a bit more challenging as the traffic was two way, narrow and twistie. I left Julie and Robin in the dust as I made it to the top.

It was fun to look over and see the people at the top of the Dome.

Walking down I made time to see, and read about, things on the different levels

Next I went to wait for the main cathedral, but Robin said there was no line at the Babtistry, so off we went. We walked by a demonstration against global warning.

Unfortunately, this demonstration closed all the buildings in the plaza and we had to wait in the hot sun about 30 minutes before we could get in. There wasn't much to see inside, except for some frescos

The doors were certainly pretty

but I certainly felt the sun after that and it was time to go.

That said, we had to go to one more place - the Santa Reparata - to see the crypts. Amazingly, today only, this line also got us into the main cathedral!

underneath there were ruins and crypts

on top of which the cathedral was built, including mosaics. They were so old the were "wavy" reflecting movement in the earth

Really on my last legs, we went to the Basicilica di San Lorenzo to see Donatello's last works and grave, as well as Cosimo Medici's. It is one of the largest churches in Florence and the burial place of all the principal members of the Medici family from Cosimo il Vecchio to Cosimo III. It is one of several churches that claim to be the oldest in Florence, having been consecrated in 393 AD,[1] at which time it stood outside the city walls. For three hundred years it was the city's cathedral, before the official seat of the bishop was transferred to Santa Reparata. There was a lovely chapel right out of a Dan Brown book - the dome was painted with astrological figures - science juxtaposed with religion. The same ticket got us into the Laurentian Library where we saw the wonders of their treasure room. The library was based on Michelangelo's designs.

Now I really, really was on my last legs and it was the wrong time for Robin to suggest we went to the leather market on the other end of the city to buy a purse for the Croone's. I said I was going to catch a taxi back to the villa and she agreed.

The evening was uneventful. Dinner was great and an earlier night to bed to be ready for the big day in Modena tomorrow.

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