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Going home

And all too quickly my 2023 Ecuadorian Adventure is coming to an end.

Was up bright at 3:58 just before the alarm.  Took a shower and actually put some deodorant on.  I feel totally overdressed in hiking boots and heavy sweat pants.  Somehow I am able to pack more in my pack because have less in my carry on- I wonder what I forgot….

Left at 5 am and the 4 mile boat ride down the river in the pitch black was the best part of the trip.  It was dark, quiet and cool.  Along the banks you could see phosphorescence produced by the  larvae of lightning bugs.

It took 54 minutes and the river must have been much higher because the paddlers didn’t need much light to paddle by.  We saw some night birds and bats along the way.  The air smelled wonderful.

It was almost distressing to get to the landing; to see and smell civilization.

We changed boats and started back to Coca.

Along the way we picked up a passenger on an unscheduled stop.  Even this river looks much higher.  I didn’t expect to see a barge with oil trucks on it- sorry I didn’t get a picture.

Breakfast was a box lunch - pineapple and cheese bread would have been enough for me.

At the end of the 2.5 hour boat ride 2.5 we had to go under the main bridge. The army had maneuvers along the bank.

The Coca/Quito flight was on time and we had a mad crush to board.

Once at Quito Airport sadly our group had to break up with Rob, Lisa and Ann heading north. I had a 5 hour lay-over, and, thankfully I could use the lounge where I had a champagne and local drink. Before I could get my boarding pass, I was airside and had this awful corn humita that was partially cold.

Finally it was time to board my Iberia flight home, via Madrid. Another 3 hour lay-over and finally home after 31 hours.

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This was a fantastic journey and I thank you, Lisa and Rob for sharing it with me. Until we meet again, Happy Trails.

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