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Honey Badgers, Cancer Plants and Whales

From the itinerary: July 21,2024 -

9:30 morning hike

15:00 Fat Bike Riding

Weather: Sunny and warm, about 75 degrees F

It rained during the night, but was dry and clear for the rest of the day. For today’s breakfast I tried the prosciutto and mushroom, as well as a small helping of the yogurt and honey. Also pictured is Lisa’s frittata and Rob’s porridge. I didn’t see any croissants and asked if there were any. There weren’t, but the chef whipped up 3 of them for me (eye roll).

The above is not candy! It’s butter, so don’t take a big bite!

Off for our 4 mile walk on the purple route. It felt so good to stretch my legs.

We saw all sorts of birds

Can you find the Cape White Eye?

and flowers

And bugs

And views

Then back for lunch

A small rest and then our next activity: fat biking. I had never done this before so didn’t really know what to expect. This was much harder than expected, especially at the beginning, not a familiar bike, hadn’t been on a bike for over 2 years, lots of sand…We were joined by two more from our Lodge - Kevin and Zama. When we got to the starting point we were joined by a dad and his teenage son.

The experience was scary with moments of absolute terror… just kidding, sort of. Seriously, it was fun once I was allowed to just ride on a slightly sloping sand dune.

We also had some nice views once we finally got to the ocean

What wasn’t fun -

  1. stopping every 10 minutes to listen to some inane story from Dave, our guide. These stories included at least 10 minutes on the benefits of the cancer bush (I thought he was going to try to sell us cancer bush pills at a discount). We had to listen to at lease 10 minutes about honey badgers - at this point I was starting to get cold. Finally at least 10 minutes on his experience with customers he’s taken kayaking - before he sold the business - and the (not so) interesting interactions they had with whales and sharks.

  2. Going down steep sand dunes

3. The first 20 minutes on the bike when we had to ride along a narrow, curvy, sometimes steep path

4. Seeing Kevin wipe-out. He said he was ok, but I’m not convinced.

5. Dave’s stories (see above). I’m mentioning it again because it REALLY wasn’t fun

6. Getting lost the last 1/4 mile

7. Having to watch out for the stupid teenage and making sure I could see him at all times

8. Ending 30 minutes late because we had to listen to Dave’s stupid stories.

Miraculously we all made it back to the van and a well deserved bath in my soaking tub to watch the sun set

Our last dinner was a special one, held in the wine cellar. I had the trout special of the day and Tom Tom soup for a starter (and honey ice cream for dessert).

I finally was able to have a proper fire that didn’t go out after the fire starter burned out.

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