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Kingsand to Crafthole

March 6, 2023 from the itinerary- start your day walking through Cowsand and taking the SW Coast path up the hill, following the contour of the coast towards the Penlee Battery. Stop at Penlee Point to see the folly built for Princess Adelaide who enjoyed walking the area. Continue on to see the Rame Church built in the headland near the National Coast Watch Station. As you round the point you see the 4 miles Whitsand Bay and Beach with holiday homes dotting the hills. At the base is Rame Head, the spot of an Iron Age cliff fort . You come to the Tregentle MOD area which you can walk through on "non firing" days. If you can walk through, to the left at Sharrow Beach is a man-made cave, apparently dug out in the early 1780s by a seaman called James Lugger attempting to cure his gout. But stealing the view is the Tregantle Fort which was built in the 19th century to deter the French from attacking Plymouth’s naval base. Finally you walk along a golf course before turning right and walking up Finnygook road to Crafthole and the Finnygook Inn. Today's distance- 9.63 miles and elevation increase: 1789. Weather sunny and about 40 degrees F, but degraded to cold, windy and rainy by about 1pm. It blew out to end the day overcasts and windy- perfect hiking weather!

Breakfast was offered quite late- 9am, so was there on time so I could clear out and get started. What fasting...I ate before 11. At least I kept to my diet and stayed away from bread (until later...). The sausage was burned- just as I like it.

The weather was glorious as I started out and walked up out of town. Saw some pretty primroses along the way

saw the back of the lighthouse and defences I saw from the front in Plymouth

Weather was still good when I got to Penlee Point and found the folly hidden down and around the hill.

It was built in the early 19th century- beautiful view.

Now on towards Rame and the National Coach Watch Station. This is where you pass through an area with wild ponies that help keep the local environment in check. I saw lots of evidence of the ponies....

But no ponies. Then to the Rame Church, originally thought to be a Norman chapel. It is thought to be on the site of a Celtic chapel. It was occupied by a priest who kept a beacon for passing ships.

Round the headland I could sea the rain on the way

And I looked to the right and saw the Coast Watch Station AND the ponies . Further along I saw even more ponies

This took me to the entrance to Whitsand Bay- a beautiful 4 mile stretch of coast with many holiday homes

As you turn around you can see Polhawn Fort- the Iron Age cliff fort.

the rain that had been coming closer and closer finally got to me. I was able to get kitted up in time to stay dry. I was really glad I brought so many clothes and I was especially glad I brought the wool mitts I knitted last year. This is the first time I wore them in the rain and they were amazing- warm and dry! No pictures of this bit.

Next landmark was getting to the MOD range. Luckily not a firing day and I was able to walk through. I didn't go down to the beach to see the cave, but got some shots of the Tregantle Fort and army stuff.

on to the golf course and turn right to Crafthole and the Finnygook Inn

i was upgraded to a "superior" room

And that city out the window is Plymouth-2 days of walking and it's still next door. How demoralising:(

Crafthole seems to the the village you drive through to get somewhere else- not much here...not sure what this red thing is but assume it's a water pump in case of a fire?

still no pasty's BUT one of the best cream teas I've had in a very long time and I remembered jam first. I found this very difficult to do- the jam kept getting squashed off because the clotted cream was so thick- yummy.

this guy was also in the pub

Had dinner in the same place (nowhere else to go). No singing tonight. I decided on fish &chips because they used local fish and it was absolutely delicious. The US is not the only country with humongous portions...

Here is my start for tomorrow.

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