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North Seymour - the Island of Love

From the itinerary: April 11 - North Seymour Island. Afterwards, transfer to Baltra Airport for flight back to Quito. Transfer back to Holiday Inn Airport Hotel.

We saw our last sunrise from the boat and saw a rather forbidding landscape

The first activity is a dry landing. Several people were put off on doing this activity because the video showed last night reflected a difficult transfer from the zodiac to the shore - I didn't blame them. It was unfortunate for those who didn't go because a) the crew took extra care - they were also smart and put a non-skid cloth on the slippery rock. b) it was earlier in the day so it was cooler and c) this was the best shore excursion we had. It was much more what I expected in that you were able to get very close to the animals and have some interaction.

Right from the start it was clear the mating season for the Magnificent Frigatebird was underway. They were everywhere pairing off - hence the title of this blog

We were able to get quite close to Blue Footed Boobies

and land iguanas

and lava lizards.

We also saw healthy sea lions

All good things must come to an end

and we disembarked after breakfast.

The sea lions came out to see us off

as we got on the bus to the airport.

The airport was small and we got a coffee while we waited to board the plane

We got settled

and said goodbye to the islands.

The journey was uneventful. We had our gourmet meal

our room was identical to our last room at the Holiday Inn

We had a drink and some empanadas in the evening. I had a Canelazo.

before enjoying a quiet sleep

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Unknown member
Apr 28

Thanks:) I still have 1 more day in Quito to write and then I’m done:)


Unknown member
Apr 28

The shots of the frigate birds are great 😊.


Unknown member
Apr 28

Very cool videos of the frigate birds...we did not see that. Your photos of the sunsets and sunrises in your blogs were great. Hope Bunny enjoyed the trip. Until your next adventure.

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