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Olive Oil July 1

After an absolutely hideous night, I got up determined to do some exercise before starting interacting with anyone. It was already hot at 7. I had an hours speed walk up and down the drive way and then over the Tuscan hills. No walk way and speeding cars. Back for bodyweight and stretching. Here's the start to my walk and the nice cat I saw along the way.

After yesterday's rain, today was sunny, hot, and humid. In the afternoon the breeze picked up, which was a blessing and kept the bugs away.

I finally got to meet Giovanni, the driver, with whom I had been communicating for months. At least he was here on time and we left almost on time. Like herding cats.

Today was Olive oil tasting in Greve at the Pruneti Olive Oil shop. The Pruneti Olive Oil Company is local to Greve and has been family owned/run for the last 150 years. The factory was closed today, but we had a nice outing driving the scenic route.

The 30 minute drive turned into over an hour and Julie was getting car sick by the end. This started the week long struggle with Giovanni not to take the scenic routes and to drive normally.

The olive oil lesson was interesting but too long and rather boring explanation. We got a tray of 7 olive oils and various things to cleanse our pallet between options. At the end there was a blind tasting which turned out to be the "normal" stuff you get in the store. At one point I had to stand up because I started falling asleep.

Under the floor was a display of equipment used when the operation was done by hand.

To taste olive oil you have to breath in through your clenched teeth and you feel a peppery taste in the back of your throat. This is Tracy who had a good form.

I bought some to bring back forgetting that a) there's a limit to bring in hand held and b) they distribute to the UK. Luckily Kimberlee ended up buying some suitcases later in the week and she sold me her small one.

After the tasting we went for lunch next door. I had spinach in butter and a caprese salad. The restaurant comped us prosecco, so I had to have some of that too.

Returning we took another scenic route ending up at Montefioralle, a medieval hill town. It is strategically located between Florence and Siena, just above Greve in Chianti and is one of the most ancient villages of the Chianti area, as well as being considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The original name of this place was "Monteficalle," referring to the fig trees that grow in the fields around the castle. Montefioralle is still enclosed in the original defensive walls, initially consisting of a double ring of barriers, octagonal in shape and with four gates. The first mention of a settlement dates back to 1085 and during the Middle Ages was one of the greatest military and administrative centres in the area. Writing this blog, I wish I had known this before going, so I could better appreciate my time there:)

Although it was a beautiful drive, everyone just wanted to get back to the villa. I was so tired I fell asleep and dropped my bag with the olive oil - luckily nothing broke.

The villa did have a nice lap pool. Unfortunately, the breeze didn't come there and the area around the pool had a lot of mosquitos. I didn't go into the pool my entire time at the villa. For some reason I brought the muslim bathing suit I bought as a cover up for my trip to Saudi a few years ago. I thought Kimberlee might have a use for it. It turned out to be her birthday gift - since her luggage was lost she didn't have a suit and this one fit well enough:)

The afternoon brought news that 3 more people wanted to come to Modena. They only had 4 months to decide this when I could easily do the organization. I should have just said "no", but am too nice.

Here is a photo of the Hoffmans (Renee and Mark) with lavender behind their ears and a photo of a tasty dessert made by the chef. We had a chef each night for dinner.

I went to bed early, but the birthday girl came in, and party central with her, so was awake until 12:30 when I finally drifted off. Luckily, I had a good night’s sleep after using bug spray and with after bite:)

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