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Starcross to Sheldon - Berry Head

17 November 2021 we are on trains from Plymouth to Starcross which is just across the bay from Exmouth, where our last leg ended. This was a 10 mile, intermediate level day. To start the day we start on a small walk around Plymouth looking for croissants. We found a bakery, in existence from the 1500s, a good place for croissants and coffee. Then we walked to the harbor - the last stop for the Pilgrims before they left for America. There was a plaque showing the names of all the passengers and another factoid - this stop was never officially documented.

We then boarded the train to Starcross and revisited much of the scenery of the previous day. In order to get to Starcross we had to pass Starcross and change trains again to come back - 3 times passing along the same route.

Most of the day was paralleling the railway line (the same one we took 3 times over the last 2 days. This section of the railway has been washed out several times and so there were a few detours. as we came into Teinmouth. Walking into the center of town we looked for a tea shop, but they were all closed since the season had ended. The only one open was a touristy one, not a nice buying experience. We got some scones and devon cream and ice cream with clotted cream on top - devine decadence. We ate it along a river through the center of town where there were ducks, pidgeons, swans, cignets. It was cold and windy, even with the sun out it wasn't warm enough.

We make it to Sheldon at about 3:30 and make it over to the ferry - luckily it was Wednesday because Thursday the ferry was closed due to a funeral (the original ferryman died). The ferry was a really small boat and the ferryman looked like an ex-soldier with PTSD. Along the way he fed the seagulls off the back of the boat. The last ferry that day was at 4 and just as we boarded at 3:30 ten more people showed up who wouldn't be on our boat. The boat was really low in the water and docked on the beach.

The Ness was our stop for the night and was a wonderful surprise. We had an upgrade to the best room which had a large copper soaking tub. We had a lovely dinner at The Ness which was a perfect end to the day.

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