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The Animals of Serengeti National Park

The other game drives produced many unique experiences seeing so many animals.

Highlights included

Prides of lions

Mating lions, who had no privacy as there were about 25 jeeps full of people pulled up watching.

A cheetah family - we broke the law by leaving the road and driving up to within 5 feet of these amazing animals

A Serval




Miscellaneous birds


Mating Ostriches

Hippopotami- my new favorite animal. It was so relaxing to sit in the jeep and watch the hippos relax in the pools

But the same pools had alligators

Live Elephants

and a dead Elephant - all you can really see in these photos is the vultures

A family of wild hogs

There were some interesting seedpods from the Kigelia tree. The genus name comes from the Mozambican Bantu name, kigeli-keia, while the common names include sausage tree and cucumber tree refer to the long, sausage-like fruit.

I stayed at the Serengeti Serena Lodge while in the Serengeti National Park.

Here is the view from my hotel window

The hotel had some interesting options for seeing wildlife too. Hyraxes were plentiful and ran along the thatched rooftops. There were frogs along the walkway to dinner (second picture and video). There were also several dik-diks I could see out my window.

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