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Visiting the Falls

August 26, 2019, from the Itinerary: Half Day Tour Victoria Falls The Victoria Falls reaches Its Zenith in About May Each Year. It’s a truly awe-inspiring experience, the sight, the sound, the smell and the humbling feeling that here indeed is Nature’s Supreme Masterpiece. No photograph can begin to depict the reality and nothing prepares you for your first sight. This tour is conducted in the morning and afternoon. En-route, guests may be taken past the ‘Big Tree’ where they may stop and take photos. Guests will be accompanied through the Rainforest by a qualified Guide who will give a brief history of the Falls themselves as well as detailing the flora, fauna, bird & wildlife and other points of interest. Raincoats are provided when needed.

I had a wonderful breakfast - eggs benedict

At the entrance to the park is an elephant skull and an interesting hut.

The Falls are truly impressive, even if the flow is low this time of year. Here are a million videos and photos. You'll see the second half of the Falls is completely dry this year.

Across the gorge at the top of the Falls was a pool - the Devil's Pool - where you can have a natural jacuzzi

The mist is visible from the hotel and is truly enjoyable the closer one gets. It's like being in a gentle shower in the sunshine.

Bunny was with me and he decided to have a lie-down in the warm sun

Also Dr. Livingstone joined me

as I went out on a limb

There are some beautiful paths and they went all the way to the road bridge across the gorge

and interesting animals

Vervet Monkeys


Birds - perhaps a barn swallow?

This is a magical place and I'd like to come here again in the future, hopefully with Chris.

In the afternoon I walked around the grounds. There are some wonderful flowers and a plaque with some information about the distance to Cairo and Cape Town. You can see here a very good view of the bridge over the gorge. As you come into the hotel, there is a mural showing the old BOAC advert flight across the world to this part of the Empire.

There was also a family of banded grey mongoose that are fun to watch

Tomorrow I am off to Tanzania, through two borders back to the airport before flying first to Kenya (another visa and yellow fever) for an overnight before completing my journey and arriving in Tanzania to start my trek up the Lemosho Route to the Uhuru Peak of Kilimanjaro.

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2 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
25 ene 2023

Amazing pictures of the falls. I an only imagine how spectacular it must have been in person 😊.

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Miembro desconocido
25 ene 2023
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It was SO amazing Ann. I had to wonder what it must have been like when Livingston first saw it. I would love to go back and go into the Devil's pool! Also, would like to see it in full flood - part of it was really dry due, in part, to global warming....

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